
  • Shipping costs will be calculated during checkout.
  • We offer free shipping deals for many European countries.
  • All other orders are calculated by shipping method, weight and location.
  • We ship over 99% of our orders by the end of the next business day.

Free Shipping Deals

We offer free shipping deals depending on your order value and delivery country.

 Minimum Order Total incl. 21% VAT* Countries
€115,00 Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden
€195,00 Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom**
€495,00 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland


If you have any questions about shipping, please contact us filling this contact form.

*VAT (value added tax) might differ in your country.

**Different shipping charges apply for Guernsey, the Isle of Man and Jersey.